Sunday 20 November 2011

Update-tion ;)

God, it has been busy! So much to tell you guys!
So I celebrated my birthday with my friends yesterday, watched a movie and ate good food (I have a strange feeling that I was the only actually EATING, ahh nevermind!) School has been hectic, soo in nearly all the subjects coursework has started so I haven been busy doing that. But I have recently started bracelet making, which is awesome and I made my first sale! But I haven't got the money yet...
Sweet Jesus, I feel like I've forgotten how to blog! Most of my spare time, is usually doing this, or that but in a strange way I'm looking forward to school completely finishing forever so I can catch up with everything. The only issue with that is that no more friends, knowing my mother she will probably find some house work to do! Oh the best thing about going college is that I'm going to be doing the subjects which I want! No more maths, or science which should be good. Instead I'm thinking of doing food tech, photography as my main subjects the other two I am unsure about. But I am officially excited about college because one the the activities they do is FENCING, how awesome is that?
I think first I should concentrate on getting my grades to get into the college, but I feel as if everything has suddenly gone hard, and I'm struggling with everything. -Need to keep positive!
I'm trying to look forward for Christmas, but I know that my holiday is going to be rubbish as I have loads of exam's in January which is the down side, but just thinking about the food makes me feel content!
 Oh I went paint-balling for one of my friends birthday. it was great fun apart from that one friend had a break down, which was quite funny afterward when I think of it. However I ended up having a some huge bruises on my leg.
Oh what else can I tell you? Oh a AMAZING friend of mine, gave me a really awesome present for my 16th, she gave me a dream catcher .. when I put it up I'll take a picture for you!
I love it, I'll end up waking up and just staring at it...
Ahh I must say life is good at the moment, crazy but I feel content more then ever ..

Love Beanzy!