Friday 23 December 2011

Christmas and Religions

Hey guys!
It's been ages since I've had the time to update on the latest fun things, however lately nothing fun or funny apart from the pile of revision I have to do over the two week Christmas break!
Christmas time is really mixed for me, considering I'm a Hindu so the whole aspect of Christmas sometimes really gets me. I mean I don't mind Christmas what so ever, being religious makes me open-minded about the whole thing. But what really gets me sometimes is the fact that all people really think about is "Omg PRESENTS!" this tends to irritate me a lot. Many of these people half of the time probably go on about how they "dislike" religion and how it's a pain in the but. Science is right "blah blah" and then it's like "Omg Christmas" "Omg Easter" "Yaaaaaaaay fun" and I feel really confused because these are all about religous celebrations. Christmas is supposed to be about celebrating the birth of Jesus. WHY THE HELL ARE YOU GETTING HAPPY ABOUT IT? YOU SELFISH GIT!
I mainly feel like this, when people are like "yay Christmas". You just can't, at all be all "anti-religion" and then get happy about festivals. It just doesn't work out, I mean for God's sake, you just look like someone who wants presents, or some excuse for them. You might be thinking, "So what about you?" I believe in Jesus. Simple. In the books of my religion there is a connection between one of my God's and Jesus. So it's just natural to me (if that makes any sense). We don't really go all about Christmas, and just celebrate the culture of food and drink. Hardly any presents is involved  And I don't really understand why people dislike religion, okay fine, don't follow the path of God, that is totally fine with me. Maybe some things don't really make sense, like how Earth was made. But I mean, the path to religion is safe. it's teaching you how to be a better person, or at least a good person.  There is nothing to hate about this! Nothing, it's complete rubbish, if you are one of those stupid people who go round insulting religion. Quite frank, if your not religious and have nothing good to say about it, and shut up. No one cares.
Phew. Now that, that rant is out of the way let's go to more nicer things like....
Okay I got nothing, bite me.
Till next time my friends!