Thursday 4 September 2014

So as quick as I'm moved out of my mums place- looks as if I'm heading back. In November anyway. Sigh the thought seriously depresses me. I perhaps dislike where I'm living as I don't feel as if I fit in with the neighbourhood and perhaps that's to do with the fact that it's where rich people are, and they are quite snobby and up there. And Jesus don't even get me started on my neighbour. However I like my lifestyle.
The reason why we're moving back is for several reasons - mum and dad gave us the ultimation of staying here would me that we would no longer be welcome back to their lives. The way they've been acting recently - you know what I actually believe them. The second reason is that we both sisters want to buy a house together. Now whether that happens in a years time - who knows. But I think it'll be difficult living how we were now we know what it's like with all the freedom. However with sis coming to the age were she will have to consider marriage blah blah, I guess we might actually leave again. So I hope anyway.
Moving back with mum isn't supposed to depress me, but it does. And yeah I hate it, but I want to be there for her. God there was a reason why I moved out - god knows why we're even moving back in.
I guess we'll have to see how it goes.
Plus I'm growing to the idea of going to uni, so perhaps even that will occur! Once I've applied, and stuff. Meh just wanted to get this off my chest.
In many other good news - I've finally sorted out another bike - after my other bike got stolen. And College is only TWO DAYS A WEEEK! Jesus christ! I'm happy! Woah!! That's 3 days off! - Including work into that. However I must ask work whether I can do anymore hours. Well that's me! At the Mo.
And reason why I changed the URL is because the blogs beginning to become way more personal and I guess certain people I don't actually want them to be aware with that's going on.

Wednesday 4 June 2014

Bins and neighbours

So recently I moved out, and well as big as a step it has been, I'm all used to it now and it's coolio at the moment. However I seem to have come to an issue with my new fab neighbours. They keep putting their crap into my bin! And this irritates me, to god knows what extreme. So I first tried to swap the bins around, so instead of having bins 1 - 5 I swapped them around so they were 5 to 1.  So instead of putting crap into 4 and 5 consistently they would put it into 1 and 2, and this occurred every Tuesday when I brought the bins back in. And this morning I was greeted with a wonderful message of "LEAVE THE BINS WHERE THEY ARE". Now this seriously cheesed me off, so in response I put please use your own bins and stuck it next to the bins. Which I believe they tried to respond to by knocking on my door earlier today. And being the wuss I am, I refused to answer - only because the only response I possibly could have done is apolagise and thank them and say it no longer matters. I want to go out and see if there is any written response to my response - but I feel quite afraid that they are sitting in the hallway or listening to the hallway to see if anyone stomps about.
To be honest, I just want my sister to come home, and see if anyone say anything to her, however honestly I can't possibly think of the worst they can say, all I really wanted was someone to inform me of this wonderful bin rota, and I wouldn't be bringing the bins in all the time. Yet no one has and therefore I am standing up to these humans. You know by cowering in my bed, and putting out notes everywhere. Hahaha

so I decided to see if there was any more notes or anything, and when I got to my door way I came across a rather capitalised paragraph of writing which states; "AS MOST KNOW, THE RUBBISH BINS HAVE BEEN COMMUNAL. ONE  FLAT NOW DECIDES THEY DON'T WANT OTHERS RUBBISH IN THEIR BIN. PLEASE REMEMBER TO PUT YOUR BIN ON A TUESDAY AND RETURN IT TO ITS PLACE (THE BINMEN WILL NOT DO THAT) AFTER FOUR YEARS I WILL NOT BE DOING IT ANYMORE. DAVE FLAT 3."

First of all, I was, Mr anger mangement, need to find the caps lock key and press on it -  polite, and for a matter of fact, yes great communal, then you can put the rubbish into flats 1 and 2. You are not the boss of this flipping house - just cause you apparently take the bins out. Also Mr lovely Dave, you were literally the first person who I met on my first of moving here. You had a nice plentiful chance of telling me, about communal bins which I consider more important rather than being told about how I shouldn't be noisy. All it is, is communication, which my dear friend you fail at. Now I will happily take out my bin and bring it in, as I have been doing for the past month or so. So you can go suck it, poop!

Monday 17 March 2014

The sweet elderly

I recently shown this blog to a friend - who is most probably going to read this and feel big headed. Anyway not many people know of this blog and friends who once did no longer bother to keep up, which is understandable as my updates aren't as regular as they once were. Anyway this dear friend keeps nagging me to update! So here's to him, for the update which probably wouldn't have been written up till a good few months haha!

So at college I have a quite mixed aged group from about 16 to about 45ish, or perhaps older to about 47. It's really different especially as I'm really used to from the usual same age classes I used to have.
Anyway so I have noticed a lot from the class is that our class especially the older members are very temperamental, and just short tempered. Looking at this, it just surprises me especially as the older ones bicker frequently with each other. I guess this is probably because they are set in there ways and suddenly someone else who comes into the picture tells them what to do - apart from there beloved husbands of course, they're not going to like it!
But the arguments over stealing bowls, or who said the word shit first is ridiculous! It does make me wonder what I'll be in about 20-30 years time! Hopefully not a brat like they are! This really says something though, and it just makes me wonder what other older members are really like, if the ones in my class are like children.
I think my favourite part is whenever we get homework to do, to complete the course, many of them go - no we don't have time. Which I do understand, however the teachers are lenient with the time. Except how many times should one make that excuse? And other members like one who has children, a job and goes to college - she manages to make the time so why can't the older members. I actually hate the "I can't do" attitude they always use. Aren't these the members of society who are supposed to be teaching children how to learn things? How to keep trying, and not giving up? These are the ones, who are attending a course and not actually bothering or at least making the effort. What's the point of them being there then, if they "can't do it".
Another thing which I absolutely detest is that these particular members refuse to listen to anyone younger, or if a younger member say something casually it's a bit of "don't talk to me like that!"
Well excuse me for breathing

I found one incident quite amusing where we were setting out ground rules like 7year olds in the class, and one of these older members turned around and said no swearing.To which I replied, okay no swearing here, but in the industry where you work people are going to swear. I mean you'll get your manager perhaps not swearing at you but saying the f word in nearly every sentence. What your going to say stop swearing to them? Pahlease, you want to keep your job, then you need to shut up and accept it. However after this, I got a "I DON'T LIKE TALK TO FACE" .. literally that repeated like 6 or 7 times. I think my eyes nearly popped out in shock, I think that should have been a rule - 'don't go I DON'T LIKE TALK TO FACE'. Jeepers.
Yeah so that's pretty much that!
Till next time darlinnngs :-*

Monday 6 January 2014

Jobs Jobs Jobs

I love coming onto here after ages and just seeing what happened last time I updated, which was probably months ago.
SO! I finished my temp job On Saturday! And I was offered a catering job just for Sat and Sundays! Which is fabulous! So about 2 years from now, I actually potentially might have a car!
Oh I also passed my driving test, so the moneys just the issue!
 I'm actually sitting here just amazed about how certain things in life are just clicking into place.
I actually feel happy, I mean I was completely lacking 'me time' with how busy I was, and the busy-ness of my life will start again next week when I start my work experience next week hopefully, when my teacher or some sort sorts out the health and safety stuff. But I must say, she is awfully slow!

Back to the part where I'm earning money! It's great! I mean Kasabian walked into work on my first day which was yesterday, which is just amaze-balls!
I'm really excited to get settled down with my life and especially this job. And if all fails in life I do have this back up, so I guess with that I'm relieved.
It's back to clearing tables and such however. I did really enjoy being a sales assistant, I think that was just awesome, but lets just see how this goes, and considering it's permanent I can apply elsewhere if it's complete balls! Which I kinda doubt it will be.
Hey ho, I get free food, so I don't think I'll be complaining for a while =P
Anyway, I think I'll nap now. All this writing of nothing has wiped my brain out haha.