Wednesday 4 June 2014

Bins and neighbours

So recently I moved out, and well as big as a step it has been, I'm all used to it now and it's coolio at the moment. However I seem to have come to an issue with my new fab neighbours. They keep putting their crap into my bin! And this irritates me, to god knows what extreme. So I first tried to swap the bins around, so instead of having bins 1 - 5 I swapped them around so they were 5 to 1.  So instead of putting crap into 4 and 5 consistently they would put it into 1 and 2, and this occurred every Tuesday when I brought the bins back in. And this morning I was greeted with a wonderful message of "LEAVE THE BINS WHERE THEY ARE". Now this seriously cheesed me off, so in response I put please use your own bins and stuck it next to the bins. Which I believe they tried to respond to by knocking on my door earlier today. And being the wuss I am, I refused to answer - only because the only response I possibly could have done is apolagise and thank them and say it no longer matters. I want to go out and see if there is any written response to my response - but I feel quite afraid that they are sitting in the hallway or listening to the hallway to see if anyone stomps about.
To be honest, I just want my sister to come home, and see if anyone say anything to her, however honestly I can't possibly think of the worst they can say, all I really wanted was someone to inform me of this wonderful bin rota, and I wouldn't be bringing the bins in all the time. Yet no one has and therefore I am standing up to these humans. You know by cowering in my bed, and putting out notes everywhere. Hahaha

so I decided to see if there was any more notes or anything, and when I got to my door way I came across a rather capitalised paragraph of writing which states; "AS MOST KNOW, THE RUBBISH BINS HAVE BEEN COMMUNAL. ONE  FLAT NOW DECIDES THEY DON'T WANT OTHERS RUBBISH IN THEIR BIN. PLEASE REMEMBER TO PUT YOUR BIN ON A TUESDAY AND RETURN IT TO ITS PLACE (THE BINMEN WILL NOT DO THAT) AFTER FOUR YEARS I WILL NOT BE DOING IT ANYMORE. DAVE FLAT 3."

First of all, I was, Mr anger mangement, need to find the caps lock key and press on it -  polite, and for a matter of fact, yes great communal, then you can put the rubbish into flats 1 and 2. You are not the boss of this flipping house - just cause you apparently take the bins out. Also Mr lovely Dave, you were literally the first person who I met on my first of moving here. You had a nice plentiful chance of telling me, about communal bins which I consider more important rather than being told about how I shouldn't be noisy. All it is, is communication, which my dear friend you fail at. Now I will happily take out my bin and bring it in, as I have been doing for the past month or so. So you can go suck it, poop!