Thursday 4 September 2014

So as quick as I'm moved out of my mums place- looks as if I'm heading back. In November anyway. Sigh the thought seriously depresses me. I perhaps dislike where I'm living as I don't feel as if I fit in with the neighbourhood and perhaps that's to do with the fact that it's where rich people are, and they are quite snobby and up there. And Jesus don't even get me started on my neighbour. However I like my lifestyle.
The reason why we're moving back is for several reasons - mum and dad gave us the ultimation of staying here would me that we would no longer be welcome back to their lives. The way they've been acting recently - you know what I actually believe them. The second reason is that we both sisters want to buy a house together. Now whether that happens in a years time - who knows. But I think it'll be difficult living how we were now we know what it's like with all the freedom. However with sis coming to the age were she will have to consider marriage blah blah, I guess we might actually leave again. So I hope anyway.
Moving back with mum isn't supposed to depress me, but it does. And yeah I hate it, but I want to be there for her. God there was a reason why I moved out - god knows why we're even moving back in.
I guess we'll have to see how it goes.
Plus I'm growing to the idea of going to uni, so perhaps even that will occur! Once I've applied, and stuff. Meh just wanted to get this off my chest.
In many other good news - I've finally sorted out another bike - after my other bike got stolen. And College is only TWO DAYS A WEEEK! Jesus christ! I'm happy! Woah!! That's 3 days off! - Including work into that. However I must ask work whether I can do anymore hours. Well that's me! At the Mo.
And reason why I changed the URL is because the blogs beginning to become way more personal and I guess certain people I don't actually want them to be aware with that's going on.