Wednesday 31 August 2011

School So Soon Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!

Summers finished as of school tomorrow. Yay.  I was meaning to write this for a while but didn’t get round to it. therefore apologises for that Anyway it’s my last year at school and I am not looking forward to it, but then I am as I can see all my friends that I didn’t see during the holidays, and well theres some really good things happening like, okay I can’t think of anything! So apart from friends... Ohh ohh I got one, I don’t have to go back to school EVER! Hmm when I come to think of it I guess it’s a bad thing as well as a good thing, because well it’s change and I don’t cope well with change. And it also means what shall I do next go to college, or get a full time job or do an apprenticeship. I thinking towards more of a apprenticeship but I don’t know I feel so terribly confused! A friend told me once the best advice ever, which is that “take it as it comes” and I did that last year and I don’t think I did that badly, now it’s just this year and I am going to do my best. I think/I hope.  Anyway with all my life’s issues, I was thinking what type of holiday it has been and I think it could have been better I could have done some work or something other than housework. But I went out for a friend’s birthday which was amazingly fun! I went cycling when I could with my lovely sisters. Apart from that I can’t really recall anything interesting. Oh I made a completely crap birthday cake for my eldest sister. I think that’s blog worthy and boy it was drrrrryyyyy! Also I’ve been listening to the Beatles because of a friend who loves them, so I thought I would check them out, and they are pretty amazing... favourite song so far is “Hey Jude” and “Twist and Shout!”

I took this picture at near a park I went to during a rest period after cycling, and I thought it was beautiful and wanted to capture it. So I'm sharing! 

Wednesday 10 August 2011

Crazy Vegetables

So I’m rather happy at the precise moment, considering that I’ve been a vegetarian for a year! A year! Ohhhh something I thought I wouldn’t be able to do. A WHOLE FRICKING YEAR! I’m as happy as you are, when you buy you’re self a kinder garden surprise, and you got the best toy! Wow, it feels amazing, I feel really proud, considering before this year, I loved chicken, and lamb and yummy fast food chicken. Oh and my favourite was crab. Delicious! Something I couldn’t get enough of and I managed a whole year without it. WOHAOOOOOOOOOO I’m so proud! I want to sing and everything about it. It was really difficult I must tell you, the entire experience was difficult and tiresome, I had my dad teasing me, and every question about my action. And sometimes I feel like putting the bloody person, off meat and that by telling them about the wrongness, and how life is precious. And just imagine if giants came to earth, and ate your brother, or sister or wife. Just imagine how you feel about that, then think about the animals that you’re eating! Oh boy, put me in an annoyed mood, and I’m sure I can most likely put anyone off it. I mean it’s my choice, if I keep it as don’t want to eat it anymore, don't ask the million questions and just accept it. Ergh! This reminds me, I have this family dinner to attend soon, and as me and my mum are the only veggies, and my mum’s been one for ages, so all the questions are on me. And I’ve said before because I want to, or depending on my mood I say “want to be a better person” in the bluntest voice manageable.  And as expecting, from my cousin-brother, I will be getting, “hehehe sooo vhy you veggie? Heeyyy? Vhyyy” "Chickeeeeeeeeen goood, nooo? But vhyyy?"and there you have me, mainly because I dislike him (to be fair I dislike my entire relatives-family thing) I will answer with, “I can’t stand the fact, that I have to take another’s life to fill my stomach” that will shut his hairy mouth up! I hope anyway, and at the end, I’ll have my mother glaring at me, and I’ll be thinking great  lecture coming this way. But to be fair, if I told you once, that I don’t eat it, and explained why i would apprciate it if some brainless people didn’t ask me why, what, how again and again because that’s just going to piss me off and well I’ll be unpleasant. Or I try to before my mother’s glaring eye’s get to me. Oh and some of my relatives accents are so bloody annoying! I mean it’s “why” with a W not with a V. Where on earth did you learn to replace your w’s with v’s? Once I got told from this other cousin who I also dislike, that his sister became a vegetarian because when the butcher was cutting up pieces of chicken the knife flew at her, and nearly cut her toe. How in the world can somebody be put off with meat? Makes zilch sense, okay being put off of going to the butchers, fine but stop eating meat? What the hell is wrong with her? Well that’s is my personal opinion I just don’t understand the logic. Anyway I am off to eat my beautiful vegetables, maybe have a wonderful mushroom burger. So until next time, goodbye!