Tuesday 22 October 2013


Why Hello, yes you, hello you ;)
So many months have passed since I last updated this blog, today I actually wondered whether I had deleted it!
So many many things have happened!
I got a job! In a cafe, which going to be fair I actually love the job to bits, the people I work with.. not so much. But I'll be leaving on Thursday! Which is rather exciting! I haven't even given in a notice, which is rather naughty of me, hey ho, I haven't been contracted there, so I'm not really bothered. muhahahahahaha
As I got another Christmas temp job.
oh Me and "Seb" are no longer friends, which is a massive woah, slap in the face, and just crazy, we haven't been talking since late April, and I'm still not over it..slightly.  
I changed colleges, currently doing a baking course, which I'm really enjoying! But for some unknown reason I feel judged, everyone else doing A-levels etc. I get the whole, oh it's fine, at least you're doing something which makes you happy. But at the back of my mind, it's not the norm, and what everybody else is doing. Final year before university, and all that crap. I still have another year left, and then probably get a full time job as a baker! Which sounds fantastic, but I feel so left out of everyone else's lives.. Everyone my age anyway. However I'm trying to be really enthusiastic about it, and honestly I love my course, but I'm hating it at the same time. I guess all the faces which are pulled but everyone when I say my colleges name doesn't help either.
I usually have the attitude of the whole, don't really care what people think, but I guess I'm just being an ass, and these feelings are unnecessary but they're there. Perhaps if I did fail my A-levels, I wouldn't be as bothered, but I didn't and personally I think I did meh/alright. So it does make me think would it been a better choice to stay on at A-level and finish it or even retake to improve my grades. But I didn't I just changed completely. I just hope it works out now, for the best I guess.

So that's me at the moment

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