Tuesday 28 June 2011

Those Brown Men

Hello, as you can see that battle with the spider, well I won and wasn’t eaten alive, hence the fact I am writing my next blog. Yay! Well today’s about Indian men. Interesting hey, well sorry you have no choice in this topic so shush.

Anyway, well I did my work experience a couple of weeks ago. And well, this consisted of working with mainly Indian men. So there I was speaking really bad Gujarati to these people, who live with the language like we live with English. Anyway they had this bizarre habit of mentioning that, well I was bad at speaking the language.  So they decided, the new girl she can stand upstairs, while we stand down here and talk about her.  This is the point where you think to yourself, “Wow some people are really stupid.” Just because I’m bad at speaking the language does not mean I don’t understand it!  Stupid.  Plain stupid.  On the bright side of the placement, I made one friend.  And yes that one friend was an Indian man. But out of everyone he was the nicest and wanted to talk to me, instead of my back. I also met a couple of people, yes Indian men, and they were the rudest customers ever. The worst part of my job was that I could not answer back(to them) otherwise, I would have kindly explained to them that it is a restaurant and cooking food does take time, and yes there are other customers which ordered before you. Now shut up and drink your free water!

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