Sunday 5 February 2012

Music and rubbish

Hey guys,
So for my English coursework in two weeks time I got told what we are doing. So in four hours in school I have to produce two essays, one about a person who I love and the other about something I hate.
The second essay has completely got to me, considering I dislike many things. Selfish people, annoying people, rudeness, people who don't appreciate things/people etc..
 So I thought really hard, and I realised (while listening to my music of course) what about mainstream music. For those who don't know, it's all the popular commercialised music. Sometimes when I listen to some RnB music it annoys me as well. I think it's really disgusting that people are listening and LIKING the music that is out there. I mean sorry but I don't want to sit somewhere and listen to how all the different ways some guy wants to touch some girl who he saw in the club. I admit I had a very harsh judgement about people who didn't listen to mainstream music. Classing people as emo's or weirdos. That was completely wrong of me and I am sorry for that! I mean if I thought like that,  obviously people out there have this narrow mind of thinking that everyone who doesn't listen to Rihanna and whoever are obviously stupid. A so called friend of mine, called me and I quote exactly  "one of those emo people" because I showed her that I like the lead singer of My Chemical Romance - Gerard Way.
This is so wrong. The fact that people are so narrow minded at the ages of 16. It frustrates me in so many ways! Why should people suddenly be classed as something different because they have a different music taste?
However with that said I must say I am a hypocrite mainly because majority of my friends have a similar music taste to me, and if that if you can listen to people singing about "sex, money, drugs, breaking up, partying." I find it, personally disgusting, and I would judge you in a certain way. Which is wrong of me, maybe over time I will get over it, but for now I can't simply understand why people would want to listen to music about touching each other because that persons butt's nice and round. I  love what your directing to children. So because it's there and has a "wonderful" beat it's a great song to listen to, for heaven's sake I can give you loads of examples of good music which doesn't degrade women, sing about getting drunk and partying. Example 1- A-Punk - Vampire Weekend. Or does the fact that the band name is Vampire Weekend scare you? How about Undercover Martyn by Two Door Cinema Club? Perfectly innocent band name, nothing to do with anything "horrible". Just has wonderful lyrics and an amazing beat you can nod your head to. Without being told to party about 5 million times in 3 minutes. Or some of the Beatles' songs are perfect is your not into the above, or Bombay Bicycle Club if you're like calmer stuff. Just don't explain to me how Rihanna is amazing when she hardly ever has clothes on just to be bloody famous! Or how Bruno Mars is wonderful when all he can sing about is girls either getting with them or catching grenades .
Absurd rubbish! I just doesn't make any sense in my head. I mean why would you listen to that, just because the beat is good, or something.

Well I'll let you guys know how everything goes, hopefully an A, somehow :)
Taaa lovelies

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like fun... *sarcasm* I totally agree with what you said about musical stereotyping too.
