Thursday 6 September 2012

College? Suck Balls

Hey guys! How are you doing? Better than me, probably!
So as you know, or if you don't know, I've started college! Wohhhhhhoooooo, yay. Not.
I hate it! I feel like getting a hammer, or and axe and murdering everyone, and knocking down the school with my very little hammer.
Yeah I know horrible right? It sucks balls. It's just so, so so very frustrating. I mean subject which I love, like food, I dread. I dread every single morning, and I've only been there for a short while. Well I started lessons on Monday, so I haven't really given it a chance, but just being there makes me physically sick. I hate it.
The people, the teachers, the subjects. Everything. It sucks.
I can't say anymore towards it really unless on morning I wake up and go, ohhh I love college. Yay.
Maybe one day, and until that day I will patiently with hatred and fury, wait of course.
The people suck, I mean today in my food technology class, the teacher spoke about groups, and putting us into pairs and such, and this girl turns round and says "eww I'm not sitting next to *boy name here*" and I'm sitting there thinking "what are you 5 that you think that? Jeez horrible girl"
I decided obviously that I'm going to sit next to him, in my next Thursday lesson.
I just don't fit in at all. I'm also thinking about changing my English language class for biology. ahh Maybe I don't know. Let's just see how tommorrow goes.

In other good newssss: I brought like 3 Nirvana albums, couple of Green Day, Linkin park and Placebo fooooor the grand total of FOUR POUNDS. So happy!

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