Wednesday 29 August 2012

50 shades of Grim

In advance, this post is quite to the point and is talking about sexual stuff. You may agree what I'm saying but  if your not comfortable with reading such things then well I suggest you skip this post.

I feel like I should have done this post ages ago, but since I've actually been outside my house and talked to my class mates, my feelings about this book (if you guessed correctly) is probably at it's worst. I generally don't have anything against such books. I mean if you like reading those tyoes of books/stuff then fine whatever I don't really have a bad word to say about it, but sharing your tales, or if I am aware what the book type is, then well please keep them comments of yours to yourself. And never, ever recommend me such a book. As I can find better books which do not have something like in, because well I'm just not that sort of person.  And if you do enjoy such thing well okay then you've read it, lovely great. But keep it too yourself god damn it!
If you haven't really read the book and wondering what the massive fuss is about, well if it helps telling you it's a porno. To those who have read it, I really don't want to know how you get your self "wet" because that's what the book is supposed to do. Turn you on, yeah that's what all your friends or that mum in the shop just recommended you to read they are all getting turned on by this book. Lavely. Only you just keep it too yourself.
The other day I went for enrollment (will explain in another post) and this girl from my school called me immature because the disgust on my face when she said she wanted to read it. Oh lord. How you just told me so much about your personal being. Things I do not want to know. So if me knowing this about you now means I'm immature, well okay I'm immature. But for gods sake it's all about sex, and saying things like oh it's a great literature and it's a best seller. Is not a reason to openly talk about such a thing. I am not welcome to it, and I will openly judge you about it.
Another thing is that people who have read the book openly tell you about it if you haven't read it, and these lavely people recommend it to you. Now generally it's a older person recommending it. I will now explain why this situation disturbs me. The lady who is old enough to be your mother or grandmother is recommending you porn. Porn she loves and got wet about, or may have given some ideas. She is telling and recommending this best seller book.
I hope your understanding what I mean cause if not, you're the reason why I am not a human anymore. Stupid, disgraceful species (aside from you nice ones though).
I think the worse part is that well there are people my age (16) and younger i.e 10 year olds are reading it. Shouldn't there be some kind of restriction on this book? I mean I mean you can't go and buy porn until 18 why should you be able to buy this book? I mean it's exactly the same. Just in a book. Nothing makes it different just because it's in writing.

Now what I'm trying to say is that I absolutely have nothing against the book, only the people reading it and sharing it. It scares me, it honestly does, and I feel I don't really want to be part of such a thing, and if you have read it all I'm saying is keep it to your self. At the rate this is going, they'll be porn showing openly in public and it's allll okay. Well it's not. And I still like to keep my mind how it is, and if it changes well lovelies I will be sure to keep it to my self. Because it's private and well why on does anyone need to know? 

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