Monday 11 July 2011

Crappy Relatives and Indian Weddings

Hello, well don’t I just have a lot to tell you! First is that, at this moment of time, I am rather tired, and fed up over a numerous of things.  So this blog is going to be a bit of a complaining one! So I had to go to a wedding over the weekend, and well as you may know I am an Indian, so of course it was a rather long, boring crappy weekend. Hmpt. I might as well start from the beginning, as the celebration was quite far from where I live, I went to stay at my uncle’s house and to be far I never really liked him or as of matter of fact, his family as they are an annoying, lazy bunch of people who deserve each other. Well my uncle and aunt deserve each other. So there’s five of them altogether, uncle, aunt, two girls and one boy, and as you don’t really know, but will from now on, is that I love kids, any age (and not in the wrong way either!) but well, this family is bizarre, because their parents don’t give too shits, and don’t want to play with them, I’m stuck with them, for some unknown reason! I mean why can’t those little brats, like my sister more than me? Do I have some kind of magical powers which is attracting kiddies? Wow if I did, I would make a awesome “kid”napper not that I do, or that I am a pedo(which in fact I find disgusting, and any person who has this problem should have their bits removed) in any sort of form, all I have is pedo sunglasses :D.  And well, the food was disgusting I could have made better food with my eyes closed, for heaven’s sake! There was so much salt! And the worst part is, that her three year old child said she doesn’t even like the food, yet she’s too stupid to realise that the food is bad.  Or she just can’t taste, unlike her child who doesn’t even know what seasoning is. My aunt is so damn lazy,  she told me mum the night before not to wake her up early, so my mum didn’t wake her up and there she said about 5 in the morning, when me and my family were just about to leave she got up and, went to ask my mother why she didn’t wake her up. Anyway I woke up, 3 in the morning, to get ready and that, as we had to leave for about 20past 6. Oh but what time did we leave? Quarter to 8. I could have strangled someone, if I wasn’t too busy trying to figure out how to be comfortable in a coach. If you say, that you have to be ready and set at a certain time, why was there such a late leave? Goodness sake! And the food at the wedding was just as bad, oily and gross, and had no seasoning.  Food should be made, to a good standard or what is the bloody point of making it at all. And the thing is that, at ever damn wedding the food is pretty bad, and the process of the whole celebration is long a dreary, and you meet people you’re never going to see in your life again. The day is such a waste of time, you have to look nice, wake up early, and if you’re close to the member who is getting married, it’s even worse, as you have to be doing lot of work, and getting up early, and sleeping late, and well be there to do lots of Indian days before celebration. I can tell you from plenty of previous experiences that it is horrible!
I honestly am trying to think of something good to say about weddings, and I can’t think of anything! Nothing, what so ever, well nothing good about Indian wedding’s anyway! So if you ever, get invited to any Indian’s wedding, best friend or cousin, don’t go. It’s like a punishment for being awesome(well in my case anyway ;).

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