Tuesday 5 July 2011

Meet Someone Famous!

Hey, well considering my last two post are rather, I must say sightful of my views, I thought I should do a post about me. And what interesting things happen in my life. Well that's zilch. My word of saying zero. But I met a awesome author today(well more as in the other day such as Monday 4th July) Graham Joyce, at Phoenix Art Centre, and we just watched a movie, and talked about it. When you finally met someone, who you respect (not that I've ever read any books of his) you feel as if you've been noticed. But then soon it gradually slips away. But it just makes you feel special, and like the "one". Haha, sorry I forgot to add the movies name. Matrix (this will explain some of the lame jokes I will make, that's if you have watched it. If not get your sorry ass some movie site and watch it!) I've watched this movie many times, but every time I watch it, it brings a totally different aspect to life, and to movies and science-fiction.  Anyway back to when to met someone respectful, well I've totally forgotten the point to that. Oh guess what! I got free ice cream. I was going to choose the tropical mango one but then I fell in love for the double chocolate. It's the brown things, can't help but love the brown 'uns. Well seeing that I've completely forgotten the point of this post, I am now going to go and make my self useful, maybe go and sit in one corner and think about how awesome I am. But be sure to check Graham out!

1 comment:

  1. BEE U JKER!!!! who sed this one wasn't funny?? X
