Saturday 17 September 2011

Forget Halloween It's Christmas!

Hello, Wonderful people,

So I went to town today. It was a bit of last minute buying presents for friends. So I had no choice but to go and make sure I buy something. As this year is an important year for all birthdays I didn't want to not get something. And there wasn't even a sale so everything unfortunately was really expensive for my dislike. I mean you all know I'm a cheapo but I tried my best to get something within my budget. But everywhere I went all the nicest things, or the perfect things for my friends were like over £30. But I found something, they're both small things but I hope they like it. So I went town and everything, and well I usually in my head have this competition when on my own, whether I can beat the person walking in front, and I was doing so as there was only one so I felt really please, until my legs started hurting as I hadn't been for walks for a long time, and I somehow unknowingly slowed down, and the dude caught up, which to my annoyance was walking in a medium pace, so I decided to beat him again, and the same thing happened. I beat him and then I slowed down unknowingly then he beat me... etc etc. Just wonderful, until I lost the guy into a crowd of people! 

The exact way I fell over 
 Oh and a rather embarrassing thing happened to me, and I was rather glad I wasn't with anyone and just myself, so I was walking towards the door. And beating some people on the way and well I sort of slipped, and not just the oppies I slipped but one of those and then hardcore fall flat on my face. Damn I was humiliated at the most, and the worst of it all was that I couldn't even hear myself falling, as I had my earphones at the loudest, so if anyone was laughing well I was unaware of it. But boy, I still can't get over it I really wish I heard someone laughing, but then I dashed out of there as fast as possible! Ahh never mind that so I went into shops and that, and well THERES CHIRSTMAS STUFF OUT! I can't believe it, I mean it's not even October, but then it annoyed me when they took out stuff for Christmas in October to, but wow are people really idiots? It's only September for crying out loud! I mean I love Christmas, honestly I do but seriously? It spoils the whole feeling of it, and it's like it comes before everything else like Halloween and bonfire night. It's utterly ridiculous! What are your opinions on that? Let me know!
I'll be making some homemade pizzas today so I better get started! Mmmm can taste it already!

Thursday 15 September 2011

Backpacks and Running

So as you all know from my previous post that I have already started school, and that it’s my last year, so I thought I should give you guys a update on life and how it’s going and anything fascinating. And I’m very moved to tell you that well my life is as fascinating as yours. Therefore not much, *wink wink*. Anyway I noticed about two years ago that well the year7’s are becoming smaller and smaller, and the smaller they get the bigger there backpacks are. It’s shocking that such a small, tiny- in fact- creature carries such a massive bag on their small backs. But when I come to think of it, I never really had to carry as much as they seem to be carrying during my day to day life when I was younger. But it just seems as if it’s getting heavier and heavier. Poor little ones, I honestly feel sorry for them, but then you get them full of attitude and it’s like shut up and carry your backpack somewhere far away.

Oh guess what! Compared to last week, this week/ Tuesday were really awesome! I made vegetable rice and sev which is a type of extremely fine noodles made into a milk dessert, I may add the recipe and a picture for you guys, if you want to try it! But overall it was awesome! Totally better than last week! Which was horrible, but school is getting harder and harder work increasing in vast amounts, and all I want is A’s and B’s but I’m finding it ever so difficult to just work hard. But I’m trying and there’s only nine months left till relaxation and job finding. Total happiness!

I must tell you guys something which happened to me while I was walking home. So me and a friend have this ongoing joke of how we are “pedos” so to speak (write). Anyway so this little kid ran past us while we were walking, and my friend was really weirded out as she heard someone running but when she looked back she saw no one but then suddenly it seemed like there was this little girl running from us. And we just found the situation funny because of the ongoing jokes we make. So my friend said things like oh she’s teasing us. And there you had this little kid shaking her hips at us, then suddenly when my friend said “oh she’s going to walk past my house and tease us a bit more” and when she said that the kid walked past her house and took out her hair and shook it. And boy, I nearly pissed myself laughing.  And the strangest thing was that this kid just kept on looking back as if she knew what we were talking about.  So I shall leave you with that, and the fact of the little kid running away from me, in your head and well it’s bedtime for me and school tomorrow. So have a nice day!

G’night beloved little ones, I’ll be dreaming of you all!    

Wednesday 7 September 2011

Wonders of Rants

Crapy Days!
I like to think I don’t have many. But I must say that I had a pretty bad day yesterday. I mean it’s not the worst day, that other people may have had but for me it was just that it went worst and worst everytime. Well at that time it felt crap, so don’t judge! Anyway so I woke up that day, excited for school.. Yes I was excited for school- no idea why, but I was, anyway... ARGH! STOP JUDGING ME I AM NOT A NERD! Anyway so everything was fine, walked to school and that, and after form I was walking by myself sort of to my next class, so this girl who I was close with, but for some reason hadn’t talked to be apart from mouthing to me during our first PE lesson whether I would want be her partner, but thankfully I was saved by an amazing friend! So this girl came up to me and was like “I’m sitting next you, I don’t want to sit next to x-name.. I don’t even like her” And suddenly I’m her escape goat, and this just cheesed me off, I mean she had THREE freaking days to ask me how am I and shit, I mean I’m willing to say hi and that, but I’m no crap shit that the first thing you say to me after summer is hi you’re my escape goat. And then she was like “ohhhhhhh we haven’t talked in ages” my reply “yes because it was summer holidays” and she answered “ohh yeeee, true true hehehehehe”  Anyway enough of her, and back to my crappy day, so I had one of my option subject next- business, and boy it SUCKS! I hate it, it’s the most boring subject on earth!  So the teacher wants us to do a load of work and by Friday and I still haven’t done any... fun. And for some unknown reason I don’t understand and I feel to terribly confused! Then came food, and I love this class, it has like my 3 hour a week friends in it, as I only talk to them then, and well they make me laugh so I like to class them as an friend. Strange I know anyway, people tell me I’m a good/okay cook ... so I try my hardest to make good food. But the food I made was terrible. The vegetable burgers didn’t stick together, and I forgot to add salt, and the banoffe pie I made was disgusting!  Bleeeeeeh! What was I thinking? I mean usually my food turns out fine, but arrgh!! So after  food I had to go to a meeting about maths, and whether I am retaking an exam, and as I want to get an A I have to retake as it is best advised! So I am, and then I decided to ask the worst question- when the exam is, AND IT’S ON MY BIRTHDAY! The day I’m turning sixteen, is going to be surrounding by revision... I do hope it’s in the morning- therefore over and done with! and then when I went home, everything had tipped in my bag, so all my food things had well leaked? –should I say... so it was everywhere, and I had to clean it. And then when deciding what to make for dinner, I thought I should improve the recipe and we can have the burger, but my mum just said that she’s not having it, and that if I wanted I can have it. So that sort of hurt my feelings. Ah never mind though, hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.

Anybody reading this and gets offended I apologise these are my feelings and opinions at this moment in time, and well if you don’t like them then well I don’t really care...
Anyway hopefully I won’t have rant again. Good day friends! 

Saturday 3 September 2011

Baby's Orders

This made my day!

Stupidity and Toilets

Life. It's a wonderful thing really. Brings so many wonders, and surprises. And you see the sentence I have never really said to any one so I thought why not try it on here. Yes I am strange, or am I? 

So anyway the first two days of school is over... Wow. I'm still in shock that I am part of the oldest year in the school. I can still remember being exciting for school, during my first year, the massive change, thinking about how big the library was and how determined I was to live in it. And how I was going to work so hard, and be the quiet good girl. HA! Boy, I shoved my head full of fake dreams, which never worked at all! I mean I loved books, and that's one thing I know I will take forever, they are the best things, which I can bury my head into. But living in the library? That failed horridly, apparently then I wanted to be this "cool and popular" kid, and well anyone who I thought was "cool" I was friends with- yes very petty of me. I mean I still talk to some of them, Hi-byes, how are you and stuff. But I mean with the so-called cool people, what the hell was I thinking?  I was a fool, when I sorted all that and now I have these amazing friends who are just so cool. But sometime I see people who I was friends with and I remember fake promises, and just random memories which could have been better if I got my priorities right. Ah I just love laughing at my stupidity of when I was younger, it’s amazing how many things I’ve done without a thought, and how selfish I was. Oh dear. Now I’m just the average Indian girl, who is rather poor and loves car boot sales, and her lovely friends who think she’s this thing to laugh at. Wonderful and delightful life is. But once I think about it, all I’m glad I did what I did otherwise I wouldn’t be here as I am and I have learnt what friend should be like, and who friends are. But boy, I was an idiot then, still am now, but I have my priorities right! – Well sort of.

So my tutor asked my class to write down one thing we want to achieve by the time we finish school. So I wrote finish the book I’m writing. First thing first WHAT BOOK? Second, I wonder what it’s going to be about. I mean I did try to write a book, but whenever I do read what I’ve written it gets stupider and stupider. Such as the beginning of one writing piece I’ve done is. I am the key.  That sentence is probably the worst sentence I’ve ever written. I think my toilet essay is better than half the things I’ve written. So unless I want to write a book about my toilet and my love for it, I won’t be getting far in writing a book or even starting it as all I’ve got so far is. I am the key.

Oh I just realised that I haven’t explained about the toilet essay, well basically I had to write about my ultimate happy place for some English writing. And I don’t have one, so I decided to write about how much I love the toilet, and how peaceful it is. I may copy it up for your humour if you want. But I am proud to tell you I did not, fail that essay, I mean I was expecting something like an A* or something but I didn’t and got an C+ probably one of my worst grades, but I was still shocked as the beginning was so much better than “I am the key” it was something like the toilet, the place where my heart lies. Something like that anyway, all I can remember that it was awesome, and humorous, but completely serious and full of truth for me. I must say I still am shock I didn’t get an B or above for that amazing piece of dedication  
Well talking about my beloved makes me want to go now, so good day and until next time!