Saturday 17 September 2011

Forget Halloween It's Christmas!

Hello, Wonderful people,

So I went to town today. It was a bit of last minute buying presents for friends. So I had no choice but to go and make sure I buy something. As this year is an important year for all birthdays I didn't want to not get something. And there wasn't even a sale so everything unfortunately was really expensive for my dislike. I mean you all know I'm a cheapo but I tried my best to get something within my budget. But everywhere I went all the nicest things, or the perfect things for my friends were like over £30. But I found something, they're both small things but I hope they like it. So I went town and everything, and well I usually in my head have this competition when on my own, whether I can beat the person walking in front, and I was doing so as there was only one so I felt really please, until my legs started hurting as I hadn't been for walks for a long time, and I somehow unknowingly slowed down, and the dude caught up, which to my annoyance was walking in a medium pace, so I decided to beat him again, and the same thing happened. I beat him and then I slowed down unknowingly then he beat me... etc etc. Just wonderful, until I lost the guy into a crowd of people! 

The exact way I fell over 
 Oh and a rather embarrassing thing happened to me, and I was rather glad I wasn't with anyone and just myself, so I was walking towards the door. And beating some people on the way and well I sort of slipped, and not just the oppies I slipped but one of those and then hardcore fall flat on my face. Damn I was humiliated at the most, and the worst of it all was that I couldn't even hear myself falling, as I had my earphones at the loudest, so if anyone was laughing well I was unaware of it. But boy, I still can't get over it I really wish I heard someone laughing, but then I dashed out of there as fast as possible! Ahh never mind that so I went into shops and that, and well THERES CHIRSTMAS STUFF OUT! I can't believe it, I mean it's not even October, but then it annoyed me when they took out stuff for Christmas in October to, but wow are people really idiots? It's only September for crying out loud! I mean I love Christmas, honestly I do but seriously? It spoils the whole feeling of it, and it's like it comes before everything else like Halloween and bonfire night. It's utterly ridiculous! What are your opinions on that? Let me know!
I'll be making some homemade pizzas today so I better get started! Mmmm can taste it already!


  1. HAHA lol yup sooooo true!! people just carried away sometimes.

  2. Yup, I was walking through Christmas stuff in a store just yesterday.

    So were you planning on sharing those pizzas or what...? =)

  3. Disgrace in my opinion :P

    Oh sure as long as you're willing to come all the way to UK :D
