Thursday 16 August 2012

Leggings, Short shorts and bodycons

And bunny rabbit can guess what my post type will be like. Yes a rant. Mainly about girls today. Ahh I do love talking about the stupidity of my species. Actually I'm rather ashamed of being a human, therefore from now on I am no longer a human, instead I am a Beanie Being also know to many as Beanoid.

And back to my themed rant. So early this year when I started school, I found that a new fashion as appeared within my school. Bodycon skirts. Now I had come a across a girl who said that short skirts and shorts aren't slutty/sketty. Whatever floats your boat and I will correct you child. When you are wearing short things there is a more of a chance to SEE your private bodily parts. And I am telling you. I DO NOT want to see that shit. You keep all of shit in the bedroom or bathroom where it belongs. Because you see child, and I am explaining this in pretty simple terms. It isn't a pretty sight, and it's one thing wearing all of this short skirts with tights. But without. My mind gets blown. Another question, what the fuck is wrong with your parents? Dear lord, what are you trying to tell people? That as easy as those tights aren't there, and that sight everyone can see, that's as easy you are. Because seriously that's what your telling me. On top of that you don't know what shit people are seeing when that shit rides up, and you don't really look as great as you think you do.
Oh and those legs, boys and girls like climbing those things. So you have fun.

Now the shorts, especially the short shorts. Ahh. Disgusting. I think the rate humans are going, well everyone might as well walk around naked. Who cares?
You can flipping see your arse. Now get that ass of yours and shove it somewhere cause I don't want to see it. It's gross. Bit of but cheeks hanging off the bottom. Ahh you disgust me. You have to have a limit, and if you don't then obviously your an idiot and the reason why people like me don't wanted to be associated with being a human.

Leggings. Reason leggings were made was to slip under that maybe rather short dress you love, but isn't short enough. Now you walking around with leggings and a short top. Well thanks for showing me your body. Why even wear clothes? Seriously why? Everybody can see every inch of that. And well it isn't doing your body any good, yet even you. And you would be surprised about how many guys/chicks take the piss out of you. Cause that sight isn't some sunrise. In fact it's far from it love. You may be assuming if you are skinny and you do this that I'm not talking about you cause well your skinny. No. I am talking about everyone. skinney, fat, curvy. Whatever, shape you are. And I don't give two shits if everyone is doing it. Have some shame.

So this is my opinion on today's fashion. Tadaaa

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