Monday 13 August 2012


"Oh please hold the applause, yes yes thanks. Oh you missed me? Ahh darling I missed you too. Kiss Kiss."

And yes I am actually writing a post after so many promises to start updating on a regular base, and I stated I finished school, or was near to finishing. And afterwards I still did not update. Woops. My poor darlings, hanging in there with many many bored tears. Do forgive me. So I would be lying if I said I haven't been blogging, because I have. Yes HAVE, another blog which I strangely have been concentrating on. It's you could check it out if you want. Obviously you should do so if you love rock music and not that rubbish mainstream crap. And if you adore and admire me, as I know you doveys do. Well in my head you do.

Back to updating, I was merrily sitting on the toilet, which was a delight thanks for asking, when suddenly this blog just popped into my head. Funny as I was plopping... Not sure we want to go into detail there. And I have decided to grant you the latest of "Life of Beans" and what's going on in that place. And don't worry my dears I have one or two rants for you to read about.

Today, 13th August 2012, Monday. It is not an important day for me. What so ever.
Haha I just read what I wrote in my last update and woops looks like I've already told you about my blog. Huh what's are the odds of that happening. And no I will not delete it, poo head.
Next week Thursday is the day of horror. Results Day. I dread the day, as I no longer can remember how well my exams went, how I felt after them. Oh except my English Lit one, ahaha I felt stupid after that, I wrote about the wrong poem, and non of my writing made sense and I didn't even write enough it's like I just gave up in the exam. So my A is out of the window and it has flown away. Far far away. I think I would rather do all the exams then face Thursday. I am so frightened, there is nothing I can do. Balls. I would rather  sit all of my exams again. I feel that was easier. And maybe do better in my English Lit exam. I can't even make myself think I've done okay, because what if on the day I found out I've done so rubbish. D's in all subjects. And straight after going into my school and getting my results I have to go my college to see if I've got in or not. And what if I haven't? Then what, I don't know what I'm going to do.
Seeing all my feelings on the screen has really shunned my happiness. By Thursday this, me, happy will vanish. This is why you don;t ask people about results day. It's stupid, and they feel horrible because now after so much laziness and boredom they wish they did more. And they don't even know what they've got.
*pulling hair out 'cause of humans*

Ahh I am in no mood to write anymore. Will try to update soon.

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