Sunday 23 December 2012


Being a good ol' Indian living in Britain, Christmas fails to pass by without excitement. Except for this year. I mean when I was younger, Mum did a bit of a dinner, and there was some presents; I remember picking out my present from Wilkinson (a really awesome shop in Britain, hmm like Walmart but a much more smaller company). One particular year, I remember walking around the shop with a fairy which I picked out. And yes this is how Christmas worked in our family. We never really celebrate it with our relatives either, nice family thing with food. As years go past, Christmas for me, now has just become a big ball of dread. And probably lot's of arguments 'cause we're not doing something or we're doing something wrong. Plus we don't really do presents anymore, just what we buy the next day in the sales. Lovely right.
Even New Years is really depressing. My sister stays up by herself, and the rest of us go sleep. I guess we're not really the most exciting family to do stuff with.

I guess we make all the food and stuff because it's something different. Getting out of the usual routine of everyday life. But really if we just have curry for dinner on Tuesday, I'm not really bothered. This is coming from someone who "supposedly" loves to cook and wants to go into cooking. Yeah, wonderful stuff really.

I guess it'll be different soon, my sister finally getting a full time job, the prospect of a nice Indian boy coming into the family should be interesting. I'm dreading it, but then again I seem to be dreading everything. Ahh I really need to get out of this ball of misery and be excited for something. Maybe Christmas and New Years isn't really appealing cause well our way of celebrating is just downright nothing.
Meh, oh but I'm partly excited for the sales, to buy stuff!
I guess that counts? Haha that didn't make me sound shallow at all!

In other news, it's a Sunday today and we got post!


Saturday 15 December 2012

Flying babies


I had my first driving lesson today! And no I did not kill anybody or anything. However I did nearly bump into a lamp post. Also I kept on pressing on the gas too quickly, leading me to go fast than I actually wanted, this lead the instructor to comment on it. "We don't really want to go to fast, as we're never sure when anything is going to pop out. Like children." .. I have never been so proud of my self, I was driving and keeping a straight face. As all I could do in that moment, was imagine a women giving birth and a baby just flying across the road. The experience was just amazing, and I'm so looking forward to doing some more driving next Saturday!
I booked the lesson early today, at 8 o'clock, and my dad kept saying I shouldn't have, as I would get rubbish experience, as not many cars were on the road. But secretly I was glad cause when I did see cars moving it was a bit ahhhhhhhhh cars! Moving cars! Going to dieeeeee!
I must say I controlled myself brilliantly, and I'm just looking forward to doing some more driving. It was just brilliant overall.

The instructor did keep laughing at me, due to the constant turning too much and going on to the curb.
So yeah, that was the highlight of my day today. Oh and Nette came down, and we had chocolate cake which was wonderful. I make good cake. Oh and her company was grand, of course!
Oh I'm going to see The Hobbit on Wednesday, which is pretty exciting.
Anyway, I need to go do some work. I have two exams in about 3 weeks. Lovely.


Monday 10 December 2012

Life's little bites of joy

Life is just full of surprises, isn't it.
Nothing surprising has happened but just stuff happens, and I care to share it with you my lovelies. Whether you care or not :D

So as I told you about the whole that boy and my friend situation, well since Sunday they are now officially together. Lovely isn't it. I spent all of last week either avoiding them, or well seeing them touchy. Funny considering "my friend" repeatedly told me she hates public affection. So yeah..
I'm not annoyed that they are together, or unhappy about it, at all. I mean I hope they stay together and are completely happy for as long as possible. And I truly am happy for both of them. Why should I stand in the way of what makes other people happy? But what annoys me, is the way their thing came about. Not once did she come to me, and say I like him, and this is what's happening, Instead I get from other people, "Omg Beena, I thought you were with him, and I thought she was your friend." I mean I'll deal with it, and I think everyone knows now, must be blind idiots if not. But I had to go ask her, and even then she wasn't straight up about them. And I got told "it's not everyone's business but I don't want to hurt you" from her. Seriously, that just annoyed me. Especially as in her mind she likes to consider me as a close friend. Hahahahhahaha makes me laugh to be honest, but least I know how she treats her friends.

I guess I am being slightly unfair, as it was me who wanted to be friends with him, but I mean seriously that was just so quick. Less than a week. Just wow. I expected it from him, but not her

Blah, they are going out now, nothing more to it, I mean all of that is the past now. I still get the "why are you being so nice about it Beena" .. but I feel that is mainly due to the fact that I don't really care much about her, or the situation. It's their life. I don't think I can see her as I did before. I feel like something is just missing, but I being nice, mainly as she's in my English Lit class, and well I really don't want things to get awkward. I had to deal with another awkward friendship breaking down last year. Hence me being nice to her, but I really have no interest anymore. I guess I'm just annoyed with the manner she went about it. Disappointed would fit the feeling better.

Yup. And hopefully this post will be the last of the stupid topic.

Merry Dreams my loves

Sunday 2 December 2012

It's and Britney bitch

So music is now bad accents, speaking and a stupid beat. Oh and about four sentences which are just repeated throughout the 4 minutes. Any more would be a blessing to our ears but that's not artists are for. They're not supposed to be lyrical geniuses. No not that, thinking that would just be completely potty.
 I mean what do artists really care about?   It really can't be about good music anymore, hence shit like this is being released all the time. Oh yeah, I remember! Money. And the ridiculous amount of money people are paying the artists for this shit just because they're famous and they want to be what everyone else will be into, is just disgusting. And then there's the stupid product placements the famous people are now doing.
So yeah was my discovery today and it make me chuckle. Enjoy

And to you idiots who create this rubbish;
I want to scream and shout ... at you. And no I will not turn that shit up, because that shit is shit.

Saturday 1 December 2012



I feel generally happy today! Unlike the entire week where I was sulking in my misery, due to my period, trying to figure out what I felt/ getting over the guy, and seeing my close friend and him getting closer and liking each other. Oh and school work.

I'm feeling rather stressed out, as I have my entire English folder due in on Tuesday, and another important essay due in on Friday for English Lit. AHHHHH *PULLING HAIR OUT*
So that's my life.

Today I realised properly that I don't really care about the whole boy situation  That's his life, and her life and if they both fancy each other, I don't really care. I found out yesterday that she thinks that she likes him, and well I have sort of been avoiding him the entire week but he has been following my friend around like a sheep. Haha that sounds a tad cruel, not literally like that, but he is always with her. However any idiot would be able to tell he has moved on, and fancies her.
 I escaped the crap, and I'm really glad I suggested that we just stay friends. I don't have to deal with it. However he has noticed that I haven't been hanging out with him and my close friend. Hence a text going "how come you haven't you been hanging out with us as much" .. and my excellent reply of "what do you mean, I do"
Hahahahaha yeah, I didn't really know how to get out of that. But I am all back to normal Beans!

I need to do my lovely work anyway.
Toodles my dears, Have a lovely day!

Wednesday 28 November 2012


Feelings again. I feel like since I've deleted my Tumblr blog I don't really have anywhere to express my feelings, so that's what this blog is going to be about. That way I will be more up to date with my life and well I can have somewhere to share my inner crap.

I hate periods. My confidence, emotions and everything just shoots to the ground. I feel like complete shit. It sucks, I'm sure all chicks feel like this, during their time of the month, so I'm glad I'm not the only one. Some people like my best friends, aren't as effected as me, but I'm sure there's someone who understands.
Yeah so I'm just feeling pretty shit about everything today. That's all

Thursday 6 September 2012

College? Suck Balls

Hey guys! How are you doing? Better than me, probably!
So as you know, or if you don't know, I've started college! Wohhhhhhoooooo, yay. Not.
I hate it! I feel like getting a hammer, or and axe and murdering everyone, and knocking down the school with my very little hammer.
Yeah I know horrible right? It sucks balls. It's just so, so so very frustrating. I mean subject which I love, like food, I dread. I dread every single morning, and I've only been there for a short while. Well I started lessons on Monday, so I haven't really given it a chance, but just being there makes me physically sick. I hate it.
The people, the teachers, the subjects. Everything. It sucks.
I can't say anymore towards it really unless on morning I wake up and go, ohhh I love college. Yay.
Maybe one day, and until that day I will patiently with hatred and fury, wait of course.
The people suck, I mean today in my food technology class, the teacher spoke about groups, and putting us into pairs and such, and this girl turns round and says "eww I'm not sitting next to *boy name here*" and I'm sitting there thinking "what are you 5 that you think that? Jeez horrible girl"
I decided obviously that I'm going to sit next to him, in my next Thursday lesson.
I just don't fit in at all. I'm also thinking about changing my English language class for biology. ahh Maybe I don't know. Let's just see how tommorrow goes.

In other good newssss: I brought like 3 Nirvana albums, couple of Green Day, Linkin park and Placebo fooooor the grand total of FOUR POUNDS. So happy!

Wednesday 29 August 2012

50 shades of Grim

In advance, this post is quite to the point and is talking about sexual stuff. You may agree what I'm saying but  if your not comfortable with reading such things then well I suggest you skip this post.

I feel like I should have done this post ages ago, but since I've actually been outside my house and talked to my class mates, my feelings about this book (if you guessed correctly) is probably at it's worst. I generally don't have anything against such books. I mean if you like reading those tyoes of books/stuff then fine whatever I don't really have a bad word to say about it, but sharing your tales, or if I am aware what the book type is, then well please keep them comments of yours to yourself. And never, ever recommend me such a book. As I can find better books which do not have something like in, because well I'm just not that sort of person.  And if you do enjoy such thing well okay then you've read it, lovely great. But keep it too yourself god damn it!
If you haven't really read the book and wondering what the massive fuss is about, well if it helps telling you it's a porno. To those who have read it, I really don't want to know how you get your self "wet" because that's what the book is supposed to do. Turn you on, yeah that's what all your friends or that mum in the shop just recommended you to read they are all getting turned on by this book. Lavely. Only you just keep it too yourself.
The other day I went for enrollment (will explain in another post) and this girl from my school called me immature because the disgust on my face when she said she wanted to read it. Oh lord. How you just told me so much about your personal being. Things I do not want to know. So if me knowing this about you now means I'm immature, well okay I'm immature. But for gods sake it's all about sex, and saying things like oh it's a great literature and it's a best seller. Is not a reason to openly talk about such a thing. I am not welcome to it, and I will openly judge you about it.
Another thing is that people who have read the book openly tell you about it if you haven't read it, and these lavely people recommend it to you. Now generally it's a older person recommending it. I will now explain why this situation disturbs me. The lady who is old enough to be your mother or grandmother is recommending you porn. Porn she loves and got wet about, or may have given some ideas. She is telling and recommending this best seller book.
I hope your understanding what I mean cause if not, you're the reason why I am not a human anymore. Stupid, disgraceful species (aside from you nice ones though).
I think the worse part is that well there are people my age (16) and younger i.e 10 year olds are reading it. Shouldn't there be some kind of restriction on this book? I mean I mean you can't go and buy porn until 18 why should you be able to buy this book? I mean it's exactly the same. Just in a book. Nothing makes it different just because it's in writing.

Now what I'm trying to say is that I absolutely have nothing against the book, only the people reading it and sharing it. It scares me, it honestly does, and I feel I don't really want to be part of such a thing, and if you have read it all I'm saying is keep it to your self. At the rate this is going, they'll be porn showing openly in public and it's allll okay. Well it's not. And I still like to keep my mind how it is, and if it changes well lovelies I will be sure to keep it to my self. Because it's private and well why on does anyone need to know? 

Sunday 19 August 2012

Children's clothing on 16 year old idiots.

Now this Thursday I am going to my college for pleasantries, oh and tea. It'll be wonderful, nah am pulling your socks, I'm going in straight after I found out my results for enrollment. Lovely right. I don't even know what to pick for my 4th subject! Thought I had it all figured out by now. Well am telling you this. It isn't and doubt it will be until probably Thursday itself when I get desperate to go home because I need the toilet or I am hungry and I jump in a random line.

Ohkay getting off topic now, you little squishys. So apparently in my old school or ex school, I should say (I guess I just had to leave, it wasn't it, ... I WAS MEE ahh *fake tear drops*) many boys couldn't afford trousers. They still had their trousers from when they were 6 and as it well couldn't go up their bum, they just walked around like idiots with their trousers just underneath their colourful underwear. Now some fools tried telling me this was "swag" and if like me, you are oblivious to the meaning I assume it means cool.
Now if you are a boy and do this, do try and save up for new trousers because in all honesty if you are walking around like that then it's obvious that really only other person to see your bum is your  mum (har har look it rhymes) and that is to wipe it, because obviously your intelligence hasn't developed far enough that you know how to put clothes on. You've just grown in height. And if you haven't grown, well then you're just a short idiot!
However if you are doing that on purpose, then well please send my sympathies to your mother or father. They have an fool for a son. And it's to late for any treatment unless our dear God looks down and gives him a blessing of common sense or even a brain. Until then, I will pray.

Thursday 16 August 2012

Leggings, Short shorts and bodycons

And bunny rabbit can guess what my post type will be like. Yes a rant. Mainly about girls today. Ahh I do love talking about the stupidity of my species. Actually I'm rather ashamed of being a human, therefore from now on I am no longer a human, instead I am a Beanie Being also know to many as Beanoid.

And back to my themed rant. So early this year when I started school, I found that a new fashion as appeared within my school. Bodycon skirts. Now I had come a across a girl who said that short skirts and shorts aren't slutty/sketty. Whatever floats your boat and I will correct you child. When you are wearing short things there is a more of a chance to SEE your private bodily parts. And I am telling you. I DO NOT want to see that shit. You keep all of shit in the bedroom or bathroom where it belongs. Because you see child, and I am explaining this in pretty simple terms. It isn't a pretty sight, and it's one thing wearing all of this short skirts with tights. But without. My mind gets blown. Another question, what the fuck is wrong with your parents? Dear lord, what are you trying to tell people? That as easy as those tights aren't there, and that sight everyone can see, that's as easy you are. Because seriously that's what your telling me. On top of that you don't know what shit people are seeing when that shit rides up, and you don't really look as great as you think you do.
Oh and those legs, boys and girls like climbing those things. So you have fun.

Now the shorts, especially the short shorts. Ahh. Disgusting. I think the rate humans are going, well everyone might as well walk around naked. Who cares?
You can flipping see your arse. Now get that ass of yours and shove it somewhere cause I don't want to see it. It's gross. Bit of but cheeks hanging off the bottom. Ahh you disgust me. You have to have a limit, and if you don't then obviously your an idiot and the reason why people like me don't wanted to be associated with being a human.

Leggings. Reason leggings were made was to slip under that maybe rather short dress you love, but isn't short enough. Now you walking around with leggings and a short top. Well thanks for showing me your body. Why even wear clothes? Seriously why? Everybody can see every inch of that. And well it isn't doing your body any good, yet even you. And you would be surprised about how many guys/chicks take the piss out of you. Cause that sight isn't some sunrise. In fact it's far from it love. You may be assuming if you are skinny and you do this that I'm not talking about you cause well your skinny. No. I am talking about everyone. skinney, fat, curvy. Whatever, shape you are. And I don't give two shits if everyone is doing it. Have some shame.

So this is my opinion on today's fashion. Tadaaa

Monday 13 August 2012


"Oh please hold the applause, yes yes thanks. Oh you missed me? Ahh darling I missed you too. Kiss Kiss."

And yes I am actually writing a post after so many promises to start updating on a regular base, and I stated I finished school, or was near to finishing. And afterwards I still did not update. Woops. My poor darlings, hanging in there with many many bored tears. Do forgive me. So I would be lying if I said I haven't been blogging, because I have. Yes HAVE, another blog which I strangely have been concentrating on. It's you could check it out if you want. Obviously you should do so if you love rock music and not that rubbish mainstream crap. And if you adore and admire me, as I know you doveys do. Well in my head you do.

Back to updating, I was merrily sitting on the toilet, which was a delight thanks for asking, when suddenly this blog just popped into my head. Funny as I was plopping... Not sure we want to go into detail there. And I have decided to grant you the latest of "Life of Beans" and what's going on in that place. And don't worry my dears I have one or two rants for you to read about.

Today, 13th August 2012, Monday. It is not an important day for me. What so ever.
Haha I just read what I wrote in my last update and woops looks like I've already told you about my blog. Huh what's are the odds of that happening. And no I will not delete it, poo head.
Next week Thursday is the day of horror. Results Day. I dread the day, as I no longer can remember how well my exams went, how I felt after them. Oh except my English Lit one, ahaha I felt stupid after that, I wrote about the wrong poem, and non of my writing made sense and I didn't even write enough it's like I just gave up in the exam. So my A is out of the window and it has flown away. Far far away. I think I would rather do all the exams then face Thursday. I am so frightened, there is nothing I can do. Balls. I would rather  sit all of my exams again. I feel that was easier. And maybe do better in my English Lit exam. I can't even make myself think I've done okay, because what if on the day I found out I've done so rubbish. D's in all subjects. And straight after going into my school and getting my results I have to go my college to see if I've got in or not. And what if I haven't? Then what, I don't know what I'm going to do.
Seeing all my feelings on the screen has really shunned my happiness. By Thursday this, me, happy will vanish. This is why you don;t ask people about results day. It's stupid, and they feel horrible because now after so much laziness and boredom they wish they did more. And they don't even know what they've got.
*pulling hair out 'cause of humans*

Ahh I am in no mood to write anymore. Will try to update soon.

Sunday 17 June 2012


Hey guys! So I am free. FREEEEEEEE. Well I was free on Wednesday after my maths exam. Now I will start college end of August. ARGHHHHHH
Can't believe I have finished school. FOREVER! WOW.
Scary times. This holiday should be interesting, my parents have gone on holiday, leaving me with my two older siblings. And so far it has been wonderful. I mean we have so many rules and now without parents around, no school to go to. Life has developed into a pretty lazy, wonderful one which consists of a lot of eating dinner in front of the TV which Mum doesn't allow. How bad-ass are we? But it's not for long, Mum and Dad come back on the 29th. So the relaxing part of the holiday is short-lived. Ahh must enjoy it while it lasts. I don't really mind Mum giving me lot's of chores, cause it gives me motivation to blog more, and be other weird busy, than work busy. My parents tend to hug the TV a lot, or have a hatred for things me and my sisters watch. So no more Big Bang Theory on the big screen. Instead it'll be a much smaller 17 inch screen. Ahh Sheldon does look good on the big screen though.

I've started another blog on wordpress, it's all about rock music. Which as many of you know I am very very enthusiastic about. so I would appreciate it if you checked it out. -
I will do a better update on life later on when I'm feeling less lazy.
Plus I have to get up and go sort the clothes out!
Toodles McDoodles

Thursday 15 March 2012

I never thought I would miss my school.

I mean I’m still there and everything. But I went for “a so called interview” and well I despise the college.
Damn it I hate change. I’m dreading September now, I don’t want my school to finish. 
I don’t want to grow up and go to the bigger school :(. 
My current school is so much better, my bestfriends are here, the lovely people who I generally dislike are here and I don’t want to dislike anyone else. I like the people I dislike.  But in bigger school, it’s all big and scary and THERES more annoying humans.
This is horrible

Sunday 5 February 2012

Religions AGAIN

Sorry about bringing up this topic for the second time, however I've noticed something which is really annoying me, and when I try to express it to anyone I get told to shut up!

So I've noticed around school, that a lot of people are wearing these bracelets with different pictures of God's and Goddesses. And well it really frustrates me because these are the people, when it comes to religions they think the whole concept is stupid. Sorry? But if you are so against religions, why the hell are you walking around with this bracelet which as something which YOU HATE? Please don't come and complain to me about religions and crap. And then follow stupid trends such as this bracelet. As you can't say that different religions are hypercritical when you are your self .
Religion is not a fashion statement.

Music and rubbish

Hey guys,
So for my English coursework in two weeks time I got told what we are doing. So in four hours in school I have to produce two essays, one about a person who I love and the other about something I hate.
The second essay has completely got to me, considering I dislike many things. Selfish people, annoying people, rudeness, people who don't appreciate things/people etc..
 So I thought really hard, and I realised (while listening to my music of course) what about mainstream music. For those who don't know, it's all the popular commercialised music. Sometimes when I listen to some RnB music it annoys me as well. I think it's really disgusting that people are listening and LIKING the music that is out there. I mean sorry but I don't want to sit somewhere and listen to how all the different ways some guy wants to touch some girl who he saw in the club. I admit I had a very harsh judgement about people who didn't listen to mainstream music. Classing people as emo's or weirdos. That was completely wrong of me and I am sorry for that! I mean if I thought like that,  obviously people out there have this narrow mind of thinking that everyone who doesn't listen to Rihanna and whoever are obviously stupid. A so called friend of mine, called me and I quote exactly  "one of those emo people" because I showed her that I like the lead singer of My Chemical Romance - Gerard Way.
This is so wrong. The fact that people are so narrow minded at the ages of 16. It frustrates me in so many ways! Why should people suddenly be classed as something different because they have a different music taste?
However with that said I must say I am a hypocrite mainly because majority of my friends have a similar music taste to me, and if that if you can listen to people singing about "sex, money, drugs, breaking up, partying." I find it, personally disgusting, and I would judge you in a certain way. Which is wrong of me, maybe over time I will get over it, but for now I can't simply understand why people would want to listen to music about touching each other because that persons butt's nice and round. I  love what your directing to children. So because it's there and has a "wonderful" beat it's a great song to listen to, for heaven's sake I can give you loads of examples of good music which doesn't degrade women, sing about getting drunk and partying. Example 1- A-Punk - Vampire Weekend. Or does the fact that the band name is Vampire Weekend scare you? How about Undercover Martyn by Two Door Cinema Club? Perfectly innocent band name, nothing to do with anything "horrible". Just has wonderful lyrics and an amazing beat you can nod your head to. Without being told to party about 5 million times in 3 minutes. Or some of the Beatles' songs are perfect is your not into the above, or Bombay Bicycle Club if you're like calmer stuff. Just don't explain to me how Rihanna is amazing when she hardly ever has clothes on just to be bloody famous! Or how Bruno Mars is wonderful when all he can sing about is girls either getting with them or catching grenades .
Absurd rubbish! I just doesn't make any sense in my head. I mean why would you listen to that, just because the beat is good, or something.

Well I'll let you guys know how everything goes, hopefully an A, somehow :)
Taaa lovelies